A New Year, A New Dog Neurosis

I love my dog. He's great. As you can see by the picture stolen from Sara's web page, he's always one to mug for the camera. I think he's by far the most photogenic out of the two of us.
I was expecting him to love his new backyard. It's almost an acre of room for him to run and play. Granted it needs trees and things for him to sniff, but after being cooped up inside the apartment for 2 months, I thought we'd have to beg him to come inside.
I got the opposite. He wants to be inside. He'll go out to use the bathroom, then he begs to come back inside. I think he's gotten a little spoiled. I'm hoping in the spring with some warmer weather and more things back there for him to sniff, he'll take to it. Until then, I guess I'll just have a spoiled inside dog.
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