
Friday, September 08, 2006

Touching A Saturn

I had a close encounter with Saturn today, not the plant, and not a car, but rather some parts of the Saturn IV rocket program. While looking in one of the control rooms at NASA for some hardware, I walked into a room full of racks of test equipment. It looked like a scene from Apollo 13, and for good reason, it was all equipment used to test the Saturn IV rocket used to send Apollo 13 (and all moon missions) into space.

It was awe inspiring to be there with equipment that had played such a major part in putting a man on the moon. The amazing part, is these large hydraulic stands are still used today to test parts of the shuttle.

Once again I'm having one of those days where parts of my job are actually pretty cool. I spent today working on parts of the shuttle and a little bit with the thruster I've been working on. Before you ask, no I had nothing to do with the shuttle not launching today.


Blogger gaby said...

weird, sounds like an interesting place to find.
Have a friend working on the Jupiter program.
Space is neat.
-Blog tourist, just passing through.

4:55 PM  

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