
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I Know My Updates Are As Rare As An Honest Politician

Forgive me, I've been busy. With work, the baby coming, yard work, and all I've hardly had time to update this thing. So sad I know.

The baby's room is ready. It's complete with furniture, decorations, and a floom ride. Just kidding about the floom ride, I wanted to see who was paying attention.

It' finally raining here. So, nice, my water bill might make it below $100. I doubt it, but I can dream.

I guess people here are not used to the rain. I think there were 3 head on accidents this morning during rush hour. I'm not certain how wet roads cause a head on wreck, but what do I know. It appears as if the entire city forgot the rain makes the roads wet. I guess they haven't seen it in so long it was a bit of a novelty.

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