
Friday, March 18, 2005

Random Things

I thought hard about a title to this post. I wanted to put something about how great it is that it's Friday and I am at home. I thought that if I did that the real world would surely reach down with its' evil claw and snatch me back into reality. I opted not for that. So instead I'll ramble on about other random things. Right now, dead car batteries are on my mind. Specifically the one in my Camaro. It's new, and dead. I think that is what happens when you don't drive the car enough. It's not hard to fix, just a quick trip to an autoparts, and a few turns with a wrench and I'll have a new battery. Still strange though that the other one is so dead I cannot even charge it up at all.

Other thoughts, I'm back in town for a few days I think. Probably out of town for a few more days next week, and a few more the week after that, but I think I prefer a few short trips to a long trip. It means lots more driving, but it seems easier to me.

I'm sort of thinking of today as my day. I think I need a day. I've been so busy and so stressed. Work has been driving me insane. Not near as bad as it could be, or has been, just very busy. I like being busy, that's good. I don't like being very busy, at least not for long periods of time. Everyone needs a break from time to time.

I'm hopefully going to get the Magnaflow exhaust put on my car this afternoon. I want to get that done. I also want to get the radiator flushed out. It really needs it before the hot summer time. Before any of that can happen, I need to get the battery changed in my car. It's across town to get the radiator and exhaust done, so I don't me pushing the car that far.

I'm off.


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