
Friday, April 22, 2005

What a Thought

I've had the most insightful thought. If I want people to view what I write, read it, maybe even enjoy it, and come back to see other stuff I write, I first have to write something for them to read. I know, I know, I've been slow with the updates. I'm not even going to give the tired lame excuse of how busy I've been.

Let's see, news of the day. As you might have guessed, since I am updating this and not in Canada, then my trip to Toronto has been delayed a week. I think that's ok. The weather up there will hopefully be better next weekend anyway. Speaking of weather, here it appears as if a flood is about to happen. I hear the rumbling of not too distant thunder. I think I'm going to get some rain. I just hope I have electricity long enough too finish this. That sometimes is a problem in this building, bad weather, or when the cops chase a drug suspect down the road in front of our building and he crashes into the pole out front. That also causes a power outage. That was a peaceful day. After the power was back on, the phones required another day. I was so nice not to hear them ring for a while.


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