
Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Something to Say

I have a moment. I've had several moments this morning, but what I mean now is that I have a moment to collect my thoughts and write something down. I've had several intentions of updating this, but as with most good intentions I have not gotten around to it until now. I've been far too busy over the Thanksgiving Holiday putting in new flooring in our guest room, painting, and in general house cleaning. I'm not certain that cleaning is the correct term, if to clean is have one room look great and be spotless while in the process cluttering up every other room in the house, then yes, I've been cleaning. I'm certain you'll soon be able to read all about my new washer and dryer adventure on Sara's blog soon enough. I'll let her tell all the joys of a front loading washer.

On the same note, I did get a new cell phone over the weekend. I've been needing a new one, a battery life of 10 minutes does not do much good when you need to make several phone calls. In my line of work I cannot have a camera phone, well I can have a camera phone, but lots of places I go won't let me bring a camera phone inside, and that sort of defeats the purpose of having the cell phone, but I digress. I like my new phone, it's an LG C1300. Color screen, music ring tones, just what I need a new toy.

I've had several great topics I wanted to write about, unfortunately I have no memory and none are rushing back to me right this minute. It figures, I take a moment to write, and I have nothing to say, you just wait, later when I have no time to write, I'll have lots to say, and you will never get to know it because I won't be able to write it. You'll be stuck reading yet another diatribe about how I have time to write and nothing to say.

I really should move on. I have to buy a rack. Oh, no, people no. Come on, not that, I swear you people are in the gutter. An instrument rack for work. Sad joke? Yes. Lame joke? Yes. Better than the yucky rainy day out side? I think so.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

20 - 13

20 to 13. Magic numbers tonight. No, not lottery numbers, it's a score, to a football game. A game that I had to fight to stay awake and watch, but one that I'm very glad I did. My poor Florida Gators, all but given up for dead after an ugly loss to Mississippi State, an expected to loss to Georgia, and firing of their coach, did the impossible tonight, and beat Florida State in Tallahassee. Not that much of anyone reading this will care, but hey I do. After the long days of work I've had for the past month, 12 to 14 hours a day with no days off, and little sleep, I needed something good. I'll take an unexpected win over FSU as a good thing anyday.

Oh yes, my work schedule for the past several weeks also explains my lack updates. I'm not making excuses, but it's a fact. Hopefully I will have much more time for updates soon. After many, many hours of sleep. I do see that in my absence from upating, Sara has become the Blog professional, more hits than me, more links, better looking, and all that jazz. She even has people she doesn't know leaving comments, it's been so long since I've updated people I do know don't even read mine anymore, but it's ok, I'm not jealous or anything. I mean, gee it's not like people liked her Halloween pumpkin better than mine, oh wait, they did, but I digress, and as she said "I was nice enough to put in on there at least".

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Still Alive 2

Despite the fact my blog has fallen into a sad state with my lack of updates I am still alive. There are so many topics I've had thoughts about writing about. I've thought out entire entries, deep entries, complete with wit, humor, and serious reflections about life. I didn't write any of them down, but I did think them out. Mostly while driving, many, many hours across the state of Mississippi. It's very difficult to update a blog while driving.

So much I wish to talk about, the election, the Gators firing Ron Zook, the Dolphins, and lots more. I'll skip all things football related, as you can guess by the teams I listed above, I'm not having a good year. I'd talk about the election, but that might get me in trouble with my wife, so I'll just get back to work. It sounds like the safe thing to do.

Oh yeah, and a shout out to the Space Cowboy, sing on!