
Monday, July 30, 2007

For Once I Agree With PETA

For the most part I regard P.E.T.A. as standing for "people eating tasty animals". I think they are often nuts, and rank up there the Sierra club and Green Peace. I think the original mission of the groups were good, but they've went, shall we say a little wonky.

Last year when it came to the beaching the SS Norway, I found myself agreeing with Green Peace. Now that Michael Vick has proven to be a moron, I find myself agreeing with PETA. Such a scary thought. For once they are right, he's done terrible things and deserves probably much more punishment than what the courts can legally give him.

So far, I haven't found myself agreeing with the Sierra Club, I still they are nuts who try and kill people by putting metal spikes in trees to stop loggers chain saws and put metal barbs on desert race tracks to stop dirt bikes and ATV's. They seem to feel that killing the logger with a snapping chain saw blade or killer the dirt bike rider when he crashes, is fair enough to save a tree. Like I said, I agree with the core mission, we should not cut every tree on the earth, but they shouldn't be allowed to kill people to prove a point.

Sorry, that was off topic, maybe we should sick the Sierra Club on Michael Vick?

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Back To The Baby Doctor

Sara had another checkup today. Turns out she has A- blood, that means she gets an extra shot. I don't know my blood type. Sad part is, neither does my mother. She thinks it's either A+ or AB+. I don't know, and I'm not anxious to get stabbed with a needle to find out.

Otherwise the kid is still doing well. He's moving around, swimming in circles, or whatever they do. For all I know he's playing Yahtzee.

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When It's Good To Be Below Average

I heard on the radio this morning that the average price of gas has fallen across the country. I'm so happy to say that some gas stations here are below average. Never before has it been so nice to be below average. Not that prices are anywhere near reasonable, still every few cents help.

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Friday, July 27, 2007

Think Lindsay Is Getting Nervous?

First Paris Hilton, drunk driving, then jail.

Now Nicole Richie, drunk driving, drugs, and going to jail.

Can we get three out of three and send Lindsay to jail also?

Except this time, just keep her there.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Life As a Muggle

You want a post? I've been busy. The new Harry Potter book came out. I honestly cannot say that took much of my time. I got it Saturday morning and had it done by that night. I know who knows, but I'm not telling.

Other than that, life has been busy. Well, work has been busy. Work has been so busy that life has not not really been happening. It is slowly creeping into my head that in the next little while I will have a son. Well, 80% sure it's a son as the doctor said. I'm guessing that means 20% chance of girl. Sounds like a weather forecast.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I Did Not Need The Confirmation

I did not need the confirmation this morning that all of North Alabama has forgotten how to drive in the rain. 7 wrecks on 1 road within a few miles of each other. 7! There are Hollywood action movies with fewer car accidents. Just makes me look forward to the drive home. Now where is my tank?

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I Know My Updates Are As Rare As An Honest Politician

Forgive me, I've been busy. With work, the baby coming, yard work, and all I've hardly had time to update this thing. So sad I know.

The baby's room is ready. It's complete with furniture, decorations, and a floom ride. Just kidding about the floom ride, I wanted to see who was paying attention.

It' finally raining here. So, nice, my water bill might make it below $100. I doubt it, but I can dream.

I guess people here are not used to the rain. I think there were 3 head on accidents this morning during rush hour. I'm not certain how wet roads cause a head on wreck, but what do I know. It appears as if the entire city forgot the rain makes the roads wet. I guess they haven't seen it in so long it was a bit of a novelty.

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