
Monday, March 28, 2005

Day After Day

It's been one day after another, and I suppose it's always one day after a time. Sara and I returned yesterday from visiting my parents in Florida. My grandfather on my mothers side had a stroke last week. He's 87, those things happen. He's doing ok. He's doing well enough to check himself out of the hospital and go home against doctors orders. I said he was ok, not doing what is best for him. It's nice to know that apparently insanity runs in my family. Something to look forward to.

I'm yet again getting ready to go back out of town for work. I'm getting very tired of all the travel. It's really starting to get to me. I'm starting to debate that at times I might like a normal job where I show up, work, and go home. I think I might be willing to give that a try for a change. Recently I've started to feel more like a doctor on call than an engineer. I know I have to work, it does so help make the house payment, but at times, I think there has got to be an easier way.

So, with the grandfather being sick and work making me far to busy, I've had lots on my mind. I've been wanting to find some time to get some exercise. I'm sure it would make me feel better and help with my stress level, but I just haven't had the time or really felt like it. Funny hoe that works, I'd feel better if I got some exercise, but I don't feel like exercising. Talk about a catch 22.

Tonight was also bowling night. For the first time in a long time, we won all 4 games. That's a big thing. I did fairly well. A 492 series. I was hoping to break 500, but I guess that was not to be tonight.

I know there are some world shaping events that I would normally make comment on, but I'm a bit self absorbed as of late. I've been so busy that I feel like I've missed out on what's been going on in the real world. I think there was an earth quake today. I know the poor woman in Florida is still living, but other than that, not much. I'm usually good at being up on current events, but not recently. I had a college history teacher who used to ask every class "What's going on in the world today?" We would spend the first 10 minutes or so of history class talking about what was making history in the news that day. I think that was an interesting thing to do. It's interesting to think we are living history right now. I wonder how today's current events will be viewed by future generations. I'm certain things will make as much sense to them then, as they do to me now.

Hopefully, one day soon I'll be able to write something interesting, but I'll have to have some time first. That may be the greatest trick of all.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Road Trips

Have you ever sat down in a Cracker Barrel in Batesville, MS and found your self sitting next to Olympic Gold Medal Winning, WWE Superstar, Kurt Angle? I have. Strange things happen I guess. I and another coworker were heading back to lovely Mississippi Tuesday for business, when we stopped for lunch. About half way through the meal a rather large, well dressed man, sat next to us. We looked at each other, and both knew exactly who he was. He was busy trying to make hotel reservations and such on his cell phone. I found it odd that he was traveling alone. We didn't do the silly fan thing, but we did say hi. He was as nice as could be, and he went to the effort to say goodbye to us when we got up to leave. I must say it was very refreshing for a celebrity to be as nice as he was. It was also interesting to know that he has the same fun making hotel reservations and things as everyone else.

Monday, March 21, 2005

My Quest for Hot and Sour Soup

Ok, it's not much of a quest, but still I look. The reason I mention is that Costco had some ready to eat soup last weekend, so I tried it. It was ok, still not great hot and sour like at a restaurant, but not bad. So, my quest continues.

Other than that, I'm packing my toys to yet again head out of town tomorrow for a few days. Nothing I enjoy more than working in a noisy factory. The sounds of forklift horns and people hammering makes it ever so easy to program. Who needs to concentrate? It's overrated.

I must say I enjoyed my weekend. I have the new Magnaflow exhaust on my Camaro. I have the stereo back in it. Sara and I had a nice Sunday, starting with breakfast and a nice walk to enjoy the beautiful weather. It was relaxing, and that was nice. I think I need to start using my weekends much more to relax. I think it would do wonders for my health and my stress level. Come to think of it, it would do wonders for most people. Shame that at times my job robs me of my weekends. It's not like a job where I might have to work some weekends and get 2 other days off during the week, it's more like work through the weekend and continue to work for rest of the week. At times I do see the beauty of being an hourly employee. The days and hours I put in would mean lots more money.

Oh yes, tonight is bowling night. Let's all hope I have a good night.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Random Things

I thought hard about a title to this post. I wanted to put something about how great it is that it's Friday and I am at home. I thought that if I did that the real world would surely reach down with its' evil claw and snatch me back into reality. I opted not for that. So instead I'll ramble on about other random things. Right now, dead car batteries are on my mind. Specifically the one in my Camaro. It's new, and dead. I think that is what happens when you don't drive the car enough. It's not hard to fix, just a quick trip to an autoparts, and a few turns with a wrench and I'll have a new battery. Still strange though that the other one is so dead I cannot even charge it up at all.

Other thoughts, I'm back in town for a few days I think. Probably out of town for a few more days next week, and a few more the week after that, but I think I prefer a few short trips to a long trip. It means lots more driving, but it seems easier to me.

I'm sort of thinking of today as my day. I think I need a day. I've been so busy and so stressed. Work has been driving me insane. Not near as bad as it could be, or has been, just very busy. I like being busy, that's good. I don't like being very busy, at least not for long periods of time. Everyone needs a break from time to time.

I'm hopefully going to get the Magnaflow exhaust put on my car this afternoon. I want to get that done. I also want to get the radiator flushed out. It really needs it before the hot summer time. Before any of that can happen, I need to get the battery changed in my car. It's across town to get the radiator and exhaust done, so I don't me pushing the car that far.

I'm off.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Dogg Rooming

Dogg Rooming, that's what the sign said anyway. I would have paid it no attention, except that I've driven passed it every morning for the past 5 days, at about 6 in the morning. That's 6 Eastern time, 5 by the time zone that I'm more accustom to. For some reason, it was just a funny sign.

I'm back at home. Well, work right this moment, but back in town. At least for a few days, I hope. I have lots to do, but I want to take some time and relax, collect my thoughts. Hopefully I'll get some time later to write a bit more.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Must Keep Head Above the Water

This is a very brief post to say that I don't have any time to post. How sad is that. I have a few thousand things I wish to discuss. My birthday, Martha out of jail, Magnaflow exhaust, stress from work, my list goes on and on. Yet I have no time for any of it. Hopefully I will soon.

Friday, March 04, 2005

The Day.... Has Arrived

It's here. I'm, gulp, 30. It's my birthday. As long and as rough a day as yesterday was, I have to say today is not bad. It is just such a beautiful day outside. It's hard not be in a good mood with such perfect weather. I'm trying my best to think happy thoughts and enjoy.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Bend Over and Say "Ahhhhhh"

It's 25 and counting. No, this is not an age reference, it's an hours reference. It's how many I've been awake and at work. Not this week either, I mean continuously. The title of this post is the funniest line to come out of my late night of sleep deprivation. Matt said I had to beat him to it if I wanted to use it, so I did. I said it anyway, so I think I should use it.

Simply typing is a bit of a challenge. I have a very important customer coming in about an hour to review the work I've been up all night working on. I really need to be coherent. I don't think it's going to happen.

I've decided that under no circumstances should I be using a drill press at 5 AM. It's not a fun sound, and it's a good way to lose a liver, I mean finger. Last night was one of those nights where things were going so well, everything was working, then a huge problem would pop up. This procedure repeated itself, many, many times. More than I can count at this moment. Although at this moment, counting at all might be a challenge.

It was funny, last night about 4 or so, I was looking at the clock on the computer, and saw the date. It's my last day of being in my 20's. With that thought, and the total lack of sleep and stress, it almost brought a tear to my eye. Kinda kills me that my last day in my 20's is going to be spent working all night, then suffering through a design review, then crashing to get some sleep. Sounds more like the last night of high school doesn't it?

I just feel there is so much more I want to say and express about today, but I'm too tired to think straight, and the thoughts are more a jumble than normal. I wish I could write more. One day I'd like to come back and read this and remember this day.