
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Thursday Already?

I must say, work wise, yesterday was a good day. I was in town all day. Not a single phone call with a problem or emergency, I took care of a project first thing in the morning, and got a good start on another. I liked the way the work day went yesterday. I hope today is as good.

Not to say I'm not busy. I do still have lots to do, but I can handle lots to do as long as no one is in a panic. That includes me.

Nothing big to report really. Life has been quiet. I have a few things I'm worried about, but none of them I can write about. I know, that's confusing, but that's life.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Fun With The Phone Conference

I'm having such fun. It's a boring phone conference. I want to reintroduce myself as a different person every few minutes. Everyone is so busy with their own little part of the conversation I don't even think anyone would notice.

On a very good note, I'm in the office on a Tuesday for the first time in 2 weeks. It's takes so little to make me very happy.

Monday, February 20, 2006

To The Lottery Winner

Will you share? I live in a state without the lottery so I never even had a chance. I don't want a huge share, but just a little bit? Tell you what. I'll be happy to double, no triple, your investment in your winning ticket. Not bad huh? Pay $1 for it, and here I'll give you $3? How about $5? No?

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Not Even an Update a Week

I am so sad. Wait, make that so busy. It's not lack of wanting to post. It's difficult to post from the highway. The highway where I've spent 12 hours over the past 2 days. The fun exciting travel life of an engineer. I must say, my next trip I will bring a camera. I saw the following signs on my trip:

  • In a large pasture, a painted sign reading "Used Cows for Sale". Is there much of a discount on a used cow and how 'used' are they and for what?
  • On a very large billboard on the side of a mountain "Tattoos done while you wait". My only question, is there another option?
  • The sign to the state park near where I was going, "Big Bone Lick State Park". It's right off Beaver Road. Not even I can make that up.