
Thursday, December 29, 2005

What a Pretty Blue That Screen Is

Ever just have a day when you think something is out to get you? I've had a sinus headache for 2 days, no big deal, I'm used to that. I'd dead tired from moving boxes and things and now Windows wishes to make my life worse. All I wanted to do was install the wireless adapter on our desktop so that we would have Internet access. That way we can do such fun things as pay bills. Well, first the PC didn't want to boot. That's not a good start. Then after I fixed that, it wanted to take 30 minutes to log in. I fixed that. Then I installed the driver for my wireless adapter. I had the CD, found it, and installed it. That part went very well. Then every time I plugged in the USB wireless adapter, instant blue screen. That was not so good.

So, after downing version 2 of the driver, it not works, and my home PC is on the Internet. Some progress, a 10 minute job just took me over an hour, but I think I got it. I should go back to lifting boxes, I think I'm better at it today.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Only 364 Days Till Christmas

I'm sitting in my new house, on my new couch, watching my new HDTV service, and surfing the net on my new DSL service, do things get much better? We're moved in, the apartment is mostly empty and even mostly clean. I can find a few things in the house and it's not a maze of cardboard boxes, so life is good.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Happy Christmas Eve, Eve, Eve

Work has been so busy I've had no time to update this crazy thing. Shame on me I know. Tomorrow is supposed to be the big day. We get the house. We have one final walk through at 7:30 in the morning, then we close at 11. I'm still not believing 100% that it is going to happen. I've been waiting so long, that now that it's here I find myself not believing it's here. Living the stacks of boxes at the apartment should be proof enough, but I guess I'm a little slow.

It also looks like I am going to get my wish for good weather to move. It supposed to be almost 60 tomorrow. Not bad for Christmas time. Everyone else wants a white Christmas. I couldn't happier with warm weather.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Tight Rope Walking

This week and next are a delicate balance of trying to do the impossible, yet get as much done as possible. I have projects due at work that are missing parts. I have a slim chance of begging those parts out of the machine shop. My customer has no interest in hearing we will be late with the project. I tried the direct honest approach with him, he basically refused the truth. So, yet again, I am trying to pull off the impossible. It feels like I do that a lot in this job. I get things done that are one step from impossible, sometimes that step is before the impossible line, sometimes it is after it.

Right now I have my fingers crossed that everything works out, but to be honest it is not looking good at this point. I see many, many long days ahead of me.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I Was Only Joking

I made a joke early this holiday season that we should hang one of those Christmas light deer from out patio like we had been out hunting and killed it. I also joked about making a Christmas light tree stand and game warden. Well, they didn't get the tree stand or game warden, but I think they took the deer thing way too far.

Busy and Being Behind Must be Contagious

I won't bore you with how far behind I am at work. Catching up is not an option. Trying not to have the customer personally show up and beat me is the best hope I have right now.

That state of panic must be contagious. Our builder called yesterday and rescheduled our walk through until Monday. Judging by the look of the house last night, they have lots of cleaning to do, so I can understand that, but I think most things are done.

Wish me luck this afternoon, I'll need it.

Monday, December 12, 2005

I Burned My Tongue

I did and it hurts. Sara made some yummy hot chocolate last night, but I managed to burn my tongue. Obviously that warning of "careful that's hot" didn't sink in. The thing is I didn't really even notice until this morning. I guess my reflexes are getting a little slow in my old age.

Time is also flying. We have our final walk through this Friday. The house is really looking finished. It's hard to believe only 4 days and they should be finished. They've had crews there working on it until late into the night.

I'm getting a little excited. We spent this past weekend getting the last few things. Small things, like a new refrigerator. Next Friday when we close, it's going to be a very busy day. First off, we close on the house, in addition to that, we get phone service that day, plus the furniture and refrigerator delivered.

On top of all that, the next few work weeks will be very busy. We both have office Christmas parties to go to, and a few other things. Who needs sleep anyway?

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Where's My Snow?

It was supposed to snow today. I knew chances were slime, but I was hoping. So much for that. It's 50 or so outside with light rain coming. They are still teasing it might turn to snow tonight and will be very cold tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath.

As I've often said, I'm surprised sometimes if they can predict dark at night.

In house news it's still progressing, they still have lots to do in two weeks or so, but I think it's on track. I've been making all the fun phone calls to take care of television and phone service. They fun never stops. Anyone out there have Direct TV or Dish Network? My only cable choice is Mediacom and I've heard some bad things. I tried to call and get there channel lineup since it's not on their web site and they said they couldn't send me one. So, I would be just signing up and not have a clue what channels I would be getting. This sound like a bad plan to anyone else but me? So any suggestions on what to do about television service would be great.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Where Do You Find Kosher Bacon?

It's cold. I'm cold. My hands are cold. We still live in the apartment, so no garage, so I had to scrape the car windows this morning. We're still all packed up, so I don't know where my gloves are. Did I mention I'm cold?

Monday, December 05, 2005

Monday Morning Dog Poop

Literally, Monday morning dog poop. I discovered it this morning on my shoe. It must have been my parting gift for letting the dog out this morning. It wasn't even my dogs poop. I don't think so anyway. I didn't give it smell test or anything, but I pick his up. The dog and I have a close relationship, I carry his poop. How much closer can you be?

Have I mentioned I really want to move so the dog will have a backyard again so he can poop where he wants and I don't have to carry around plastic bags?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Rest, I Can Do That


February 18 - March 19

At home today, dear Pisces, you're likely to want to retreat into your bedroom and slam the door. You won't be feeling like conversing or socializing with anyone, not even those closest to you. Too much work could have you in a state of near-exhaustion and almost total burnout, which means that getting some rest is probably the best thing you could do right now. Relax now, and get yourself going again tomorrow.

I think I should do what it says, rest and relax. Sounds good to me.