
Tuesday, February 27, 2007

New Updates Are Ready to Install

I'm not sure, but it seems like that since Windows Vista came out my laptop running XP has downloaded the XP Slow update patch. Think Microsoft is onto a new sales concept?

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Requim For a Fish

Bow your head. Kitchen Fish is no more. The 25 cent, blind, upside down swimming, feeder goldfish is no more. Rest in peace Kitchen Fish.

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Should I Feel Dirty?

I have a nifty new camera phone that I have a nifty new belt clip. It occurred to me as I just left my desk to go to the bathroom, how often I now take a camera into the bathroom. That's just not right.

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My Shoe Has a Flat

My Nike has flat, now every time I take a step is sounds like my shoe croaks. Must be a Monday.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

What's Snow With You?

It actually snowed. Enough to be visible. Enough to cover the ground. Enough to make the bleak winter here look pretty.

It was actually a very pretty drive into work this morning. Everything covered in white, it would have made the perfect Christmas setting except it's February.

On, on a miracle side note, don't tell anyone, but we may actually get a dollar or even 2 back from the IRS this year, that is a miracle!