As I wrote last, I have many observations from my recent cross country plane trips. This leg of my journey was no exception. The current announcement brings me to my first question.
When did the TSA decide that it greatly improved air safety by having passengers use the bathroom in their section? I do see how it makes sense I guess, but my first thought is how stuck up can you get? Just because they have lost their little curtain they now have to make a big deal about us cattle in coach not using their bathroom. Is it really that much nicer? Should I expect marble countertops with gold fixtures? I kind of doubt it.
On to other observations. I'm a pc person. No, I don't mean politically correct. I mean pc as in personal computer. With this in mind, I do have certain biased views about
Mac users. Nothing like physical harm towards them, just some preconceived thoughts about them in general. 18B confirmed most of my beliefs. He was wearing Birkenstock sandals with black socks. That right there makes me want to deduct IQ points, but it was on a plane and he was traveling with his daughter and maybe just wanted to be comfortable. Ok, that much is fine by me. He then pulled out his little white iBook to watch a movie. He had headphones, so I already liked him much better than the family on my last flight. Might I add very nice, noise canceling headphones; I was jealous. They then proceeded to watch something educational looking about whales. Still fits my opinion of most Mac users, I could just picture his Prius parked at home. I was flying from California, so I was having little doubt as to whether he voted for Bush or Kerry.
The funniest part of the flight was just after landing. His daughter, maybe 8 or 9 years old, pulls out her Kodak digital camera and starts taking pictures of the other planes at the airport in Dallas. I’m sure if using the wrong bathroom breaks a TSA rule, this does also, but who cares. I doubt the 9 year old was planning to take over the world like in Pinky and the Brain. The strange part of this going on was the stern warning her dad gave her about only taking 7 pictures. I have no clue how they arrived at 7, but hey, a rule is a rule. Her father was busy gathering and packing up their things as she happily snapped random pictures of planes and things when he gets onto her about how many pictures she’s taken. I didn’t understand the reason, until I heard him chastise her about wasting film. His exact words, “Stop taking so many pictures, you are wasting film.” As most children would do, she argues back that no she’s not, and how she has only taken 6 pictures and has one left. He goes back to packing, she goes back to taking pictures, and as he packs, I watch her go through the pictures, pick the ones she wants and delete the rest from the camera. Very sneaky I thought, still the thought of how to waste film with a digital camera confuses me.