
Monday, January 31, 2005

Daily Status

One of the projects I am currently working on now requires me submit daily status reports. Due in part to large automaker who shall remain nameless. Guess, it's one of 3, come on. Anyway, I managed not to blurt out that if they wanted an update they should check my blog. Not only is it much more interesting that the spreadsheet they have me filling out, it's much more fun to write.

As of yet, I don't think I can get the web update thing to fly. People can be so boring. Any who, that's my day. Off to bowl, maybe this I'll remember to face the lane and let go of the ball at the appropriate time. Those poor orphans.

It's still Monday

In case anyone had a doubt. It is still Monday. I'm listening to the printer spit out the 100 pages of user's manual that had to be completed today, in triplicate. I always thought the in triplicate thing was an old army joke from M.A.S.H. I guess some automotive companies mean it also. I love the smell of toner in the afternoon. It smells like work. Yuck.

On a bright note for Monday, it's bowling night. Where once again I get to prove my lack of skill and ability and have other take note by keeping score. Rock on.

Ahhhh Monday

It's Monday. Outlook is downloading my 396 junk email messages. It must be Monday. Signs point to it being a rough day. Things started bad right off. The debit card payment option at the Costco gas pumps was not working. Shock, horror, that breaks from routine. I can not handle breaks from routine on a Monday morning.

Oh good, my email has completed downloading. Out of my 396 messages, 52 were tagged as spam, 9 thought to be ok, and the rest automatically deleted because they were obvious spam. Of the 9 thought to be real messages, none are. Happy Monday.

Friday, January 28, 2005

Things Learned at Lunch

The buffet restaurant across from where Sara and I had lunch apparently has "SuperC Part Yacks" or so says the marquee.

Morning Lesson

What I learned this morning:

Avoid aluminum extension ladders laying in your lane on interstate. This is fun trick while doing, ummm yeah 70 MPH. Before Sara panics, yes, I missed it. Some guy in a Honda had beat me to it though and the neither the ladder nor his front tire benefited from the meeting.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Talk About Free Time

I wish I had this much free time. Look like fun?

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Why Not Me?

I just read this morning about some of the political goings on from the last election. There was one story where the Bush side paid some reported to say good things about one of their plans, and another about where the Kerry team paid some blogger on the campaign trail with them write how great they were doing and how well organized. I'm talking serious money here, like in the 10's of thousands or more, just for updating their blog. I do that for free. I'm happy just if anyone bothers to read it. So, if anyone out there has some cause they would like me to champion, let me know. You name it. I have friends, who knows, we may even be able to start and entire action group. What I'm hoping for is some millionaire with some silly cause they wish to dump lots of money into with no real hopes of any return. Sound like a plan?

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Johnny II

I've kind of felt bad. The couple of lines I wrote about Johnny Carson yesterday hardly felt adequate. I think the purpose of writing all of this is to make social comment or something and his death deserves a bit more than a line or two. The news has been playing lots of his clips for the past few days, and they have reminded me how very, very funny and talented he was. That's the whole purpose of the post. I'll be back to complaining about email and Matt getting locked in his garage soon.

Who knows I may even have some time to be witty in the future, but don't hold your breath.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Oh Yes, I Have E-mail Again

The swimmer must have gotten out of the pool. As shown by the 245 items of junk mail in my mail box, my e-mail is once again working. I'm not certain having it fixed is good or not.

On a side note I did want to say how sad it was Johnny Carson passed away yesterday. He retired when I was still in high school, but I do remember how funny he was. This was at an age when I usually watched Arseno Hall, but Johnny was always so funny. He'll be missed.

Blogging Fodder

So seldom in my life do I have an interesting start to my Monday mornings. This like most Mondays began with me sitting at my desk wishing to be on a tropical island, rather than cold at my desk. The phone rang, this is never a good sign early on a Monday morning. It usually means someone has a problem, and I'll end up having to take a trip to go fix it. With dread I answered the phone, relieved to hear Matt's voice on the other end.

Then came the bright spot to my morning hearing the words I shall repeat many times during the day, "Help, I'm locked in my garage." What? Did you say what I thought you said?

Sure enough, he was trapped. At this point I'm really trying not to laugh. I figured, just pull the release and open the door. Uhhh, no. The release is off and the door won't move. Now, I'm really laughing.

Have no fear, he will live to write again. I came to rescue and we opened the door. It was really stuck. Lucky for me, his stuck door has graciously give me such blogging fodder.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Get Out of the Pool and Fix It

I wish that guy would get of the pool from behind the post office and fix my email. It appears as if the company that provides our email services is having a few problems. While I am very pleased by only the 2 items of junk mail, I do sort of want to receive the rest of my mail.

That computer programmer isn't enjoying swimming behind the post office right at this time.

I have no clue what the subject means, but by some strange chance I only had 2 pieces of junk email this morning. One was a virus, the other was something about delivery notification of something I didn't order. The title of this post was the only text in the message. Too bad I left my magic decoder ring at home.

On a side note has anyone ever had a cough that made you feel like the thing from Aliens was trying to burst out of your chest? Ouch.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

A Toothpick, Some Gum, and a Spatula

As Matt and I were going to lunch we were mentioning possible topics to write about. (Are we geeks or what?) As all nerds eventually do, we settled on McGyver. So, I mentioned that I think I'll start to write about such silly things as removing the oil pump from a 54 Ford using only a plastic fork and a well lubricated badger. I promise, photos and complete, detailed instructions shall follow. Soon we will move onto far more interesting topics like building your own computer using only hair of a fresh washed goat. (Use pet safe shampoo please.)

Sunday, January 16, 2005


Sara just took the time to post something, so I thought I would also, besides she's in the shower and can not stop me. (Insert evil laugh here.) I have nothing interesting to say. I would like to add that my previous post had more to do with me driving home late one night last week from a business trip than really trying to steal a Jeff Foxworthy routine as I have been informed.

I would like to mention that my obession is getting help tonight. No, not that you sicko. It's a fresh episode of Charmed. Thanks to Matt I even have the calendar hanging beside my desk at work. My boss made several comments about what kind of guy would have such pictures. I told him it was a gift from Matt. There was then some reference to Matt being Huggy Bear and all, but I forget. Very funny I think.

Darn it, she 's out of the shower and caught me. I think we are off to Costco.

Thursday, January 13, 2005


Why do hunters dress in camo, hide in trees, and cover themselves in urine, so they don't scare a deer off. I happen to know a 3 ton GMC truck doing 70 miles per hour with the lights and radio on does not spook a deer. Don't panic, we didn't get to meet close up.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Row 18 Seat D

As I wrote last, I have many observations from my recent cross country plane trips. This leg of my journey was no exception. The current announcement brings me to my first question.

When did the TSA decide that it greatly improved air safety by having passengers use the bathroom in their section? I do see how it makes sense I guess, but my first thought is how stuck up can you get? Just because they have lost their little curtain they now have to make a big deal about us cattle in coach not using their bathroom. Is it really that much nicer? Should I expect marble countertops with gold fixtures? I kind of doubt it.

On to other observations. I'm a pc person. No, I don't mean politically correct. I mean pc as in personal computer. With this in mind, I do have certain biased views about Mac users. Nothing like physical harm towards them, just some preconceived thoughts about them in general. 18B confirmed most of my beliefs. He was wearing Birkenstock sandals with black socks. That right there makes me want to deduct IQ points, but it was on a plane and he was traveling with his daughter and maybe just wanted to be comfortable. Ok, that much is fine by me. He then pulled out his little white iBook to watch a movie. He had headphones, so I already liked him much better than the family on my last flight. Might I add very nice, noise canceling headphones; I was jealous. They then proceeded to watch something educational looking about whales. Still fits my opinion of most Mac users, I could just picture his Prius parked at home. I was flying from California, so I was having little doubt as to whether he voted for Bush or Kerry.

The funniest part of the flight was just after landing. His daughter, maybe 8 or 9 years old, pulls out her Kodak digital camera and starts taking pictures of the other planes at the airport in Dallas. I’m sure if using the wrong bathroom breaks a TSA rule, this does also, but who cares. I doubt the 9 year old was planning to take over the world like in Pinky and the Brain. The strange part of this going on was the stern warning her dad gave her about only taking 7 pictures. I have no clue how they arrived at 7, but hey, a rule is a rule. Her father was busy gathering and packing up their things as she happily snapped random pictures of planes and things when he gets onto her about how many pictures she’s taken. I didn’t understand the reason, until I heard him chastise her about wasting film. His exact words, “Stop taking so many pictures, you are wasting film.” As most children would do, she argues back that no she’s not, and how she has only taken 6 pictures and has one left. He goes back to packing, she goes back to taking pictures, and as he packs, I watch her go through the pictures, pick the ones she wants and delete the rest from the camera. Very sneaky I thought, still the thought of how to waste film with a digital camera confuses me.

Wisdom From a Plane Ride

Airplane windows do not open... This is to prevent passengers from throwing small children out of them.

No matter how well you can ignore your child’s screaming and crying, others may not be as talented.

If you take along a DVD player for your 3 year old and 5 year old to watch, bring headphones. The sound of Spiderman fighting Doc Oct at 31000 ft is not the most pleasing.

Why are some people afraid to check baggage? I am impressed though, at the ability to cram 72 suitcases into a single overhead bin.

Why have airports lost the ability to label baggage carousels and when they do label or announce them, they get it wrong.

I should also mention to the Oakland International Airport that their announcements of carousel changes cannot be heard in the baggage claim area.

Monday, January 03, 2005

A New Year

A new year, and a new post. I know I've been lazy about posting, but I've been busy. I spent New Years with my parents in Florida. Their home is just a little north of the beach, and lots away from anything resembling technology. I'm lucky they have satellite TV. You can forget the local channels. So, no posting while in the middle of no where.

Sara's first day at her new job is today. She's so excited, and nervous I think. I'm really hoping she likes it. Funny thing, last year at this time she was starting a new job, I was in California for work. I leave tomorrow. What are the odds? Ok, back to work.