
Thursday, August 25, 2005

Ten Drunk Clowns and One Mighty Frightened Monkey!

Today is not off to a great start. I had left over Chinese food for lunch and I left it at home. I'm not happy about that. It was good, I wanted my left over lettuce wrap and chicken. I guess I'll have it tomorrow.

Let's see what is going on today. Today is my mother-in-law's 50th birthday. Happy birthday.

It's a small world, no singing please. Well, ok sing as you read. Sara works for company X, and pays the bills. She reads this blog all the time. Well company X bought stuff from company Y. As sometimes happens things didn't go as smooth as they should and they had to get the purchase worked out. Don't see the connection yet do you? Well this blogs talented author works for company Y, all the way across the country. What are the odds.

Ok, stop singing now.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Mary Had a Little Lamb. It Was Delicious

Yes, I stole the title from Sara's Post of Klingon Fairy Tales, but I just thought it was too funny. Speaking of, when is lunch.

In house news, we have doors. Actual doors, in the right places, not just stacked in the garage. So, now we have windows, doors, a roof, some plumbing, and most of the electrical. Add some walls and we'll be there, perhaps some floor other than cement, but who's being picky.

In other news, wait, I have no other news, how depressing, but at least I posted, and that's what matters right? Right. I mean come on, how dare you expect me to be interesting on top of that. I just can't handle the pressure it's too much. I know how all the greats feel now. Oh, stardom, how much work, the pressure of making my public happy. Oh, never mind.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Make That More Than Shingles

We've got a roof. All finished it looks like, along with 2 bath tubs, lots of plumbing, and all the windows. They even started putting in the electrical boxes and the wiring. Given how much they had done yesterday it looks like they will have that done soon. Exciting huh? Sorry no pictures from yesterday it was a bit dark and rainy. We've still got to pick out our cooktop and our light fixtures. That reminds me, I need to call and make those appointments.

Friday, August 19, 2005

We've Got Shingles

No, not the disease, on the new house. They have some of the shingles on the roof. At the speed they get things done they should have all of the roof done by Monday. That's exciting. I like seeing progress.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I Saw This Person This Morning

I see this person everyday, usually in rush hour traffic.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Stupid People and Other Musings

I think I'll start with the other musings. Sara has done a wonderful job of a picture diary of our house getting built. I think including this picture of the rear of the house I've managed to publish 1 now. How sad is that? I'm hoping the builders start putting the shingles on the roof today or tomorrow. The rest of the windows should follow soon. I do have the fear though that once it's at that point, it might sit that was for a little bit while they work on building others houses.

One last update on the house selling efforts, as you can see from the picture above our new house is not move in ready yet, but we do have another tour of our home tomorrow afternoon. Do I hope it sells or not?

Now, on to stupid people. Stupid person number one is the woman who lives at the end of our street and lets her cats run free, and kill baby bunnies. I'd prefer it if some kitties chased her to death. Seems only fair.

Stupid person number 2 for the day is the woman driving the green Jaguar I saw on my way back from lunch. She was swerving and in general driving bad, and I thought wow, 3 martini lunch, she must be having a good day. Believe it or not it's not what you think, no cell phone, she could be talking on the phone, she was too busy reading. ARRRRRRRGGGHHHHH.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Still Need Sleep

I at least made it back from the center of the sun. Ok, not really the sun, but it felt that hot. I have not been able to catch up on any sleep. My parents came to visit this weekend. I wish I had been home for more of the weekend. Life just does not work out that way sometimes. Pesky work just gets in the way sometimes.

We've had a few more phone calls about people wanting to buy our house, and one agent who wants to give a tour. Hopefully that will go well.

Yesterday I got to look around our new house for the first time since they put the roof on. It was so cool. It has walls, some windows, it's really starting to look like a house. It's really funny how the slab with nothing on it looked small, now with the walls and roof it looks huge. I could have wandered room to room for hours, it was just amazing.

Friday, August 12, 2005

After Midnight

It's after 12:30 at night, what are you doing? I'm still working. In a hot factory in the middle of nowhere. Despite my best efforts to get everything done in a timely manner, life just has not made that easy. It never does. Let's hope for success and sleep soon.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I Should Have Written This.

I agree 100% with this.

Morning Musings

I'm teaching a programming class this week and I have my usual gripe. If you are going to take a programming class, at least know how to use a computer. Is that too much to ask?

On a much more fun note, we had another realtor show the house yesterday, and another who wants to show it sometime soon. I'm still torn about not wanting to move into an apartment with the dog.

Also, Sara is doing a great job of posting lots of pictures of our house as it gets built. We have walls and hopefully a roof today.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Getting Our Priorities Straight

I still don't claim to be a big Martha fan, but I must agree with this.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Random Sillyness


It's always good to know what DDR song you are!

We Have A Foundation

We have cement on concrete, I'm not 100% sure of the difference between the two. Either way we have lots of it in the shape of our house. We walked around it yesterday, you can see the rooms, all the pipes and things, it was really neat. They will probably start framing it very soon. I'm excited. If for any reasons, any realtors read this, I have a question or two, drop me a comment.

In other boring work news, I'm still in town. I know I have a trip out of town very soon. I just don't know when. I love waiting for that other shoe to drop.

Oh, and for those in a coma, and actually interested in my battle with the crabgrass in my lawn, no changes so far. Just wait, something will happen, I promise.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Veni Vidi Vedgie ("I came. I saw. I yanked up your underpants.")

One more night at home. I must say I'm not terribly upset about having my upcoming trip back to hot middle of nowhere delayed. I am tired of the waiting and the not knowing when it will happen, but I'm also not anxious to go, so who knows.

Our new house is still just a pile of gravel. Not all that exciting. I think the most exciting thing in my life right now is my battle with crab grass in my lawn. How's that for boring?

I know, I need coffee. That'll make the day better.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Just Another Post

I'm back from the heat in the middle of nowhere, sadly I'm returning there very soon. Last week was a long week. If something could not fit or not work, it didn't. I'm hoping things progress better this week.

Our house is still for sale. No buyers yet. Our new house is now ready for them to pour the cement. It's a large formed gravel area with pipes and wires sticking up everywhere. It's neat to see some progress there.

I wish I could report something more exciting, but I can't, so I won't. How's that for logic?