
Saturday, November 11, 2006

Saturday Update II

I'm watching Georiga make Auburn look bad. I think only the most die hard Georiga fans would have given them a change. I'm not sure even the Georgia players would have given them a chance, but if they continue to play as well as they are, they have a chance to win. Miracles do happen.

Speaking of which, I must get everything packed up and ready to go by Thursday. I have not even started packing. I'm not even sure I own enough underwear to go 12 days without laundry. That leaves me with a few choices.

A. Buy, and pack enough to last that long. That's hard to do because of airline weight restrictions and every extra pound could cost money.

B. Pay the cruise ship to wash stuff. This option can get costly.

C. Wash the stuff myself. It's my vacation, who wants to do laundry?

So, any suggestions.

Wow, Georgia just went up 24 to 0 in the second quarter. Even the announcers are in as much shock as I am.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Update, Oh Update, Where Art Thou Update

I'm beginning to think my lack of Internet access is beginning to impact my posting. Who would have thought that. I have a few minutes while waiting for Mythbusters to come on, so I thought I'd scribble few things down.

I'm still a rocket scientist at NASA. It's sad really, but it's really not at exciting as you think it might be. Could explain why all the people that looked excited in Apollo 13 had pocket protectors.

It has also come to my attention that in less that 2 weeks we'll be on the way to Hawaii. Sounds like fun to me. Where is that roasted pig.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Where Has The Time Gone?

My, is it November already? I do believe it is. My watch says so, so does the computer, and my cell phone, if all 3 of those agree, that makes it November. I'm always nervous when it's only 2 out of 3.

We had our Halloween party Saturday night. As large as our house is, 30 people did a nice job of filling it up. It was fun. It feels like I spent most of the evening cooking and checking on food, but still it was a fun evening. I think most of the guest had a fun time.

Last night was Halloween. We had a few trick or treaters. Many more than we had at the old house, and no teenagers that were old enough to drive and go trick or treating.

Less than 3 weeks we are on our way to Hawaii. I'm excited. We register last night and are trying to pick out the excursions we want to go on while we are there.

Suppose I should run, I have work to do, as always.