I did and it hurts. Sara made some yummy hot chocolate last night, but I managed to burn my tongue. Obviously that warning of "careful that's hot" didn't sink in. The thing is I didn't really even notice until this morning. I guess my reflexes are getting a little slow in my old age.

Time is also flying. We have our final walk through this Friday. The house is really looking finished. It's hard to believe only 4 days and they should be finished. They've had crews there working on it until late into the night.
I'm getting a little excited. We spent this past weekend getting the last few things. Small things, like a new refrigerator. Next Friday when we close, it's going to be a very busy day. First off, we close on the house, in addition to that, we get phone service that day, plus the furniture and refrigerator delivered.
On top of all that, the next few work weeks will be very busy. We both have office Christmas parties to go to, and a few other things. Who needs sleep anyway?