
Friday, April 27, 2007

Update, Oh Update

Where art thou sweet update?

I return to the big city of Huntsville from the even bigger city of Atlanta today. I've have yet another fun filled week of educating fellow engineers. I feel like I should start a self help group for nerds helping nerds, join the club, we've got pocket protectors.

It was an interesting class. First time I've spent the week teaching class below ground. Their training department was in the basement. Not one of those nice finished basements either. This one was more like the one they show on one of those house hunting shows where you just know the young couple are not going to buy that house. The husband makes some comment about maybe we can fix it up, the wife goes sure honey could be nice, then the run from the dark and dank cavern and try to pretend they never saw it.

The closest place this facility I've ever been before was the New York subway system. I kept expecting at any moment to hear some nice voice say "stand clear of the closing doors please". I do believe I heard the 'F' train go by once or twice.

It was also a secure facility. I can fully appreciate and understand that, but when I have to have an escort to go to the bathroom things have gotten out of hand. I couldn't even just get a hall pass, I had to have the full on escort, like I expected to hear a voice from outside the bathroom asking of everything was going ok in there.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I Need All 4?

It came to my attention this morning as I'm leaving the house, that I require air in all 4 car tires in order for things to work correctly. Who knew. Seems as if in this case, 3 out of 4 ain't good. Sorry Meatloaf, better luck next time.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Moving at the Speed of Government

I had to get car tags this month.

It's a yearly thing. The state of Alabama sends me these nice little post cards letting me know how much of my money they want this year for a little bitty sticker to go on my car tag. It's a fun game we play.

Anyway, mine are due this month. In Florida it was the month of your birthday. I guess that was the states way of reminding you that you are another year older, now give us money.

Alabama does it by where your last name is in the alphabet. So people with last names starting with "f" go in April. You know the same month that I've usually already paid the state and federal government a tidy sum, let's get you one more time for car tags.

Alabama is proud of their little stickers. For 4 cars, 2 of which are old and not valued at much, the state wants well over $400 for tags. Can we say "ouch" boys and girls?

I was going to be smart this year. It's mid April. I know better than to wait until the end of the month. I know there will be long lines and much unhappier people than you can normally expect paying taxes. So, this morning I took off to the grocery store. Yes, grocery store. Doesn't every state have you buy your car tags by the pharmacy at the end of isle of cleaning products? Wait, that may just be Alabama.

Where was I? Oh yes, I drive across town to the grocery store. The drive itself is another little gripe of mine. I like the fact Madison is working on the roads. They really need to. I don't understand why they chose to repave both of the major North to South roads at the same time. I guess I shouldn't complain, at least something is happening. I walk in and see the line. It's about 20 to 25 people. I roll my eyes and figure, I'm here, I might as well stay.

There are 5 people working at the counter. The line is 25 people, this shouldn't take too long. Then I notice they've combined the line for car tags and driver's license's into one long line. I then notice the same 5 people take care of this. So, far not too bad. Then as I get closer to the counter I see that 2 of the 5 don't do car tags. They sit at their little computer waiting for someone to come in to pay property taxes. I watch these 2 for the entire hour and half I'm there, and they help 2 people. One guy who actually had to pay property tax, and one lady that got in the wrong line. She belonged in the cattle gates with the rest of us.

I know this may sound silly, but the same county pays all 5 people. Would it be nuts to say have all 5 do car tags, and when the person walks up for properly tax, have them then help that person? I know this sounds crazy, but just my thought.

Government in action, isn't it always fun?

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Saturday, April 14, 2007

Rain and a Random Though

It's raining today. Just in case the sudden appearance of ponds along every road and most yards were not a tip off, I thought I'd mention it.

Why when you decide to drive your Volvo and work on your Blackberry, do you decide to do it during rush hour in the middle lane of the interstate?

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Do You Know What Today Is?

I just looked at my watch. It's Friday the 13th. I had no clue about that this morning. Had I known I would have locked myself in the closet with some pop tarts and a pith helmet.

As my wife announced to the Internet earlier this week, we are having a baby. Sometime in early October we shall have a bundle of joy. I don't know girl or boy yet, and I can honestly say I don't care. I just want healthy and happy.


Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Small World

We have an odd neighborhood. Here I am 350 miles or so from Florida and my neighbor across the street is a Gators fan. Here in the heart of Alabama, Auburn, and Tennessee country what are the odds of living across the street from another Gators fan?

Well, the house at the end of the street just sold and the new people moved in yesterday.

I think we are going to get along just fine.

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Thursday, April 05, 2007

Have I Already Made This Post?

It so feels like I have already made a post talking about Florida beating Ohio State for the National Championship. What? That was football? What was this? Basketball? They beat Ohio State in football and basketball? They won both the football and basketball championship this year. They also are the first repeat basketball champions in 15 years?

Just let me say, go gators!
