
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Update You Say?

I had almost forgotten about this thing. I'm sure that is totally due to my lack of sleep. Thankfully I'm so tired today about all I can do it update this thing. I have a dull headache and just a general feeling of wanting to do nothing. Sounds like every other day huh?

I do state I'd like to do nothing, but I've got more to get done than I can count. Multiple big projects. Such fun.

Spencer is still doing well. I could do without the grunting and squeaking in his sleep. He'll wake me up in the middle of the night making noise, I'll get up, go check, and he will be sound asleep, just making noise. Kind of like the dog when he's dreaming about chasing something. Spencer's crib is on one side of the bed, the dog sleeps on the other side, I'm in the middle. I'm sure some nights they are having the same dream about chasing each other.

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Friday, September 07, 2007

Bracelet Days

Hopefully my bracelet days are soon to be over. No, no commentary about men who wear bracelets or far too many gold chains, that's another story. I'm talking about a cheap clear plastic bracelet that I've been wearing since August 21st. It won't come off unless I break it, and I dare not do that. See, Sara had one just like it, and Spencer has one just like it. Well, his is a bit smaller, but you get the idea. It's what the hospital put on all of us so they can make sure the right kid goes home with the right family. As far as I know, tomorrow is the day, he should finally come home. I hope he does. It's been almost 3 weeks, I'm ready for him to come home. I'm sure at some point after he's home I'm going to freak out and wonder what to do now, but for right now, I just want him home.


Thursday, September 06, 2007

Losing Battle?

Ever feel like life is just one epic battle scene? If so, mine is portrayed by squirrels with light sabers. Yours? Spencer is still in the hospital. Now we are looking at Saturday. Nothing serious, just a better safe than sorry precaution, but still the delay is killing me.

I'm still feeling a bit under the weather with my sinus problems. Work is nuts, I've got a half million dollar project to get finished in my spare time. I've also got this pain in my right arm like I suddenly developed arthritis, is there a doctor in the house?

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Monday, September 03, 2007

Good Bye Grandma

Life is such a roller coaster ride of ups and downs. Today at lunch we find out that Spencer should be coming home very soon and he is doing great, right after that I find out that my Grandmother died last night. She died peacefully in her sleep. Rest in peace and enjoy seeing my grandfather again.

I'm trying my best to enjoy and be so happy that my son is doing well and will be coming home soon, but it's hard to smile. I had hoped she might get to meet her first great grand-child before she died, but I guess that was not meant to be. Funny thing is, I think that meant more to me than it did to her. I shouldn't say such things, but it is just how it felt the last time I talked to her before she died. Come to think of it, if I were in her position facing death, I guess I might have other things on my mind also.

I'm also stuck on the phrase "it's for the best". I'm trying to figure out if I ever believe that. I want to tell myself it's best for mother because she is not slowly watching her mother suffer and die, but in the same breath I don't think I can ever truly believe that someone is better off dead. I know it is so much better that she is not suffering, and my mother is not sitting by watching her suffer and being powerless to help, but still I wish she was alive.

Either way, I hope she's joined grandpa on the porch and they are watching the traffic go by.

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