Just so I don't disappoint anyone, work is still very busy, I still have an upcoming birthday, and I have no clue what I want. I think that pretty much sums up most of writing for the past, ummm forever. Well, there was the brief trip on installing Linux on a dead beaver, but we can pretend that didn't happen, can we not? Besides, I at times have enough trouble installing Windows, much less Linux, beaver or not. I figure if you can install something on an Apple, why not a furry woodland creature. I'd try installing something on the cat, but I've seen they way she reacts at the vet when they try to install that stool sample test, and we will
NOT be trying such silly things at home.
I'm told plans for my birthday are progressing nicely, I honestly have no clue where it is. I know when, just not where. I think I sort of like it that way. It's not a surprise party, but it is enough of a mystery to maintain my interest. I'm still not sure the thought of turning 30 has fully hit me. I still feel the same as I always have. I've always thought 30 was so old. It's going to take some getting used to, that's for sure. I don't really consider other people in their 30's, or even 40's to be old, I just don't really want to join them in their 30's or 40's. I mean I do hope eventually to grow older, I'm just not in a rush to do it.
I sort of continue to write a little about my birthday in hopes of it giving me insight into how exactly I feel. I still don't know. I know I didn't particularly enjoy turning 29. I'm still not sure that even now after 51 weeks of being 29, that I've gotten used to it. Maybe the main thought I'm having right now is that I only have 1 week left of being a 20 something. After that, I'm a 30 something. I say 30 something and all I can think of is that old TV show. I think it was on ABC, who knows? The thought does scare me, so does the old TV show, but that's another story. I sort of feel like it's a week to until high school graduation, and I only have a week left and I'll never be a high school student again. I picked that analogy rather than like a prisoner on death row, but both could be used I think. I'm sort of partial to the graduation reference because I do think the end of my 20's is more of a change than a life ending event. I'm certain me saying that will be viewed as good news by many. I'm just not certain what the change means.
I continue to reflect on my 20's. It wasn't a bad decade. Skip those pesky Clinton years, and the whole OJ thing, and it wasn't so bad. I got married, I got a dog, graduated college, got a job, bought a house, bought a car (or two, maybe 3), and a few other things. There were low times also, like the death of my dog from childhood, tight times with money, stress from work, less freedom than I had in college, but all in all I'd say it was pretty good. Just a few of the thoughts I've been having, I'm sure I'll bore you with many more soon.